
  • Calling on Texas to Use Program to Deport, Not Send Them Deeper into America

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    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE In January of 2022 U.S. Border Patrol were catching on average 4,700 illegal immigrants per day and in May it jumped to 7,500 apprehensions per day. Texas […]

  • Using the TX Military to Repel the Invasion

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    “We’re the only nation in the world that does not use the military to secure our border.” – Midland County Sheriff Gary Painter Did you know Texas has its own […]

  • Why Declare an Invasion?

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    How Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution provides States the tools to combat the Border Crisis when the Federal Government refuses The crisis at our southern border is […]

  • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Governor Abbott must Formally Declare an Invasion at the Border under Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution

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    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Governor Abbott must Formally Declare an Invasion at the Border under Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution Declaring an Invasion under Article I, Section 10 […]

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