Biden Administration Lets Title 42 Expire

After multiple lawsuits by Open Borders groups such as the ACLU in 2022, Title 42 was set to end in December of last year but the Supreme Court swooped in just before the end of the year to extend it. The Biden Administration then ended COVID-19 emergency orders and set Title 42 to finally expire in May.

Today, May 12th, 2023, to be exact. 

Title 42 is now finished and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of illegal aliens will pour across our borders and if apprehended, be processed through Title 8, federal immigration law. The Biden Administration has proven that it has zero interest in enforcing deportations under federal law.

Days before the end of Title 42 Border Patrol executives met to discuss operations going forward under the absence of the program. They betrayed Americans as they elected to release illegal aliens into our streets, with minimal processing and a court date far into the future, if at all.

If you would like access to the most up-to-date information on the happenings at the border and the effects of the end of Title 42, FOLLOW US on Twitter. We are on the ground in El Paso, Texas covering the events as they unfold.

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