Thank you to all of the delegates and guests who attended the Republican Party of Texas State Convention in San Antonio. We hope you were able to stop by the booth and say hello!

The convention was a total success!
Border Security and internal enforcement was the number one legislative priority chosen by the delegates and will form the basis of a push for policies in the 89th Legislative Session in 2025.
The text of the priority is as follows:
- Creating a Texas Department of Homeland Security to prevent illegal entry and trafficking, and to deport illegal aliens to Mexico or to their nations of origin.
- Prohibiting, with mandatory fines and jail time, individuals, corporations, non-profits, governments, and social media entities from assisting or inciting illegal entry.
- Requiring the use of E-Verify by all employers in Texas with significant penalties for business owners who violate this requirement.
- Ending all subsidies and public services, including in-state college tuition and enrollment in public schools, for illegal aliens, except for emergency medical care.
In addition, we worked hard to make sure that the Republican Party of Texas Platform advocated for border security and immigration policies that put Americans FIRST. The platform is stronger than ever.
Read more on the new RPT Legislative Priorities and Platform
If you have a group who would like us to give a presentation, please reach out to us. We speak to groups all over the state in order to educate Texans just like you and empower them to hold our elected officials accountable.
Having a great platform and list of legislative priorities is only the first step–the big lobbies in Washington and Austin have no interest in securing the border, so it is up to us to put in the hard work!
Also, a quick personal note: my wife Theresa and I welcomed our son Anthony into the world in April. We are overjoyed and seeing him has redoubled my conviction that good people must work harder than ever to build a future for our children and grandchildren.
This has been your Strong Borders newsletter. Thank you for your continued support of Texans for Strong Borders. Until next week!
For Texas,
Chris Russo
President, Texans for Strong Borders