Largest Single Day For Illegal Alien Border Crossings Ever

Tuesday marked a grim milestone in the ongoing crisis at our southern border with a record-breaking surge in illegal alien crossings. The numbers are staggering, with over 12,000 illegal alien encounters and more than 10,200 Border Patrol apprehensions in a single day according to CBP sources as reported by Bill Melugin. This surge has left over 20,000 individuals in custody, diverting Border Patrol agents from their crucial frontline duties to manage the overwhelming influx.

This situation is not only straining our border security but also compromising the safety of American citizens. As temperatures drop and winter approaches, one would expect a decrease in illegal border crossings. However, the opposite is happening – the numbers are rising, defying the usual patterns observed in previous years.

Acknowledging that what we are witnessing is nothing short of an invasion is essential. The surge is not composed of families seeking a better life but is predominantly made up of military-aged men. This raises serious concerns about the intentions behind this unprecedented influx and the potential risks it poses to the security of our nation.

The surge in illegal alien crossings is not only overwhelming our border enforcement agencies but also contributing to the growing number of “gotaways.” With fewer Border Patrol agents available on the frontlines, individuals seeking to evade apprehension are slipping through the cracks, exacerbating the challenges faced by our already overstretched border security.

Now, more than ever, urgent action is required to address this crisis and protect the well-being of Texans and their families. It is time to take decisive measures to shut down the border and put an immediate end to this crisis. The safety and security of our communities must be the top priority.

This is not about turning our backs on those in need but restoring order and enforcing the rule of law. A secure border is a fundamental aspect of national sovereignty, and our responsibility is to safeguard it. The Biden administration must recognize the severity of the situation and take swift and effective action to protect our borders, uphold the rule of law, and ensure the safety of American citizens. And if President Biden refuses to act, as he has, Governor Abbott must step into the gap and act creatively and decisively force the federal government’s hand and lay bare to the American people the true intentions of the Open Borders ideologues at the heart of this regime.

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