Weekly Newsletter – June 9th

Welcome to your weekly Texans for Strong Borders Newsletter. Here is everything you need to know about the fight to end illegal immigration into the state of Texas.

Florida Takes a Stand on Illegal Immigration, Triggering Outrage from Open Borders Advocates

In their most recent legislative session, Florida took decisive action to address illegal immigration, sparking outrage among Open Borders activists. These activists recently organized a “Day Without Immigrants” in protest of the new Florida laws, which are set to take effect on July 1st of this year. Their intention was for Florida to experience a day without immigrants, in order to understand the impact these laws will have on the state’s economy by excluding illegal aliens.

However, this approach fails to consider our own national sovereignty and right to determine who enters the United States. This protest undermines the rule of law and promotes an agenda that disregards the concerns of American citizens. It is evident that we must oppose these misguided efforts and exert pressure on Texas politicians to prioritize laws that will actively combat illegal crossings and illegal presence within our state. The lack of similar protests in Texas indicates that something is amiss here, as illegal aliens do not feel compelled to organize such demonstrations.

Recently, as the debate over E-Verify progressed in the Florida Senate, Texans for Strong Borders uncovered a report revealing that a group of illegal aliens went on strike in response to their companies’ implementation of the E-Verify system (regardless of their actions, they would have lost their jobs). 

In Texas, however, no such protests are occurring because our lawmakers sided with the Open Borders Establishment, opposing the interests of Texans. They either thwarted, ran out of time, or dismissed any real border security measures during the regular session, and again showed a lack of commitment to passing any substantial border security measures in the special session as well. Illegal aliens don’t like mandatory E-Verify, the invasion at our border being repelled, or the idea of their taxpayer-funded services and benefits being taken away, yet the Republican-controlled Texas Legislature has kept every single one of them in tact.

Trump Vows to End Birthright Citizenship on Day One in Office

President Trump is now facing backlash from both the left and the right after vowing to end birthright citizenship for illegal aliens if elected to the nation’s highest office again in 2024.

“As part of my plan to secure the border on Day 1, I will sign an executive order making it clear to federal agencies that, under the correct interpretation of the law, the future children of illegal aliens will not receive birthright citizenship,” declared Trump in a campaign video released on Tuesday, May 30th. In his announcement, Trump rightfully attacked the Biden administration for their refusal to secure the border, stating, “My policy will choke off a major incentive for continued illegal immigration, deter more migrants from coming, and encourage many of the aliens Joe Biden has unlawfully let into our country to go back to their home countries.”

The concept of “Birthright Citizenship” in America originates from a fundamental misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment. Read the rest of this article on our website: HERE!

Chuck Voith: It’s time for the Lone Star State to pass an E-Verify law

The following is an excerpt of a guest commentary by Chuck Voith published in the Waco Tribune-Herald

“Illegal workers comprise roughly 5% of the total U.S. workforce. In Texas, the share is even higher — 8.5%.

In fact, Texas trails just one state, California, in the size of its illegal workforce. Our state hosts an estimated 1.2 million illegal workers.

These migrants compete directly against legal immigrants and native-born workers, resulting in reduced wages and fewer job opportunities. According to one estimate, annual wages for less-educated American workers are up to $1,500 lower due to immigrant competition.

The scourge of illegal employment is also unfair to the many upstanding business owners that only hire legal workers and pay them well — which puts them at a competitive disadvantage against less scrupulous rivals.”

Read this article in its entirety HERE.

This has been your weekly Texans for Strong Borders Newsletter. Thank you for reading Patriot.

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