Cutting Off the Magnets: The Legislature is Slow Walking E-Verify and Upholding In-State Tuition for Illegal Aliens

And now let’s talk about magnets, more specifically, jobs and in-state tuition. TFSB believes we need to mandate E-Verify to ensure that Texas jobs are reserved for legal citizens and reserve in-state tuition for Texans only. 

SB 1621 by Sen. Lois Kolhorst and HB 3846 by Rep. Steve Toth would mandate E-Verify for all.

HB 3280 by Rep. Terri Leo-Wilson would effectively end in-state tuition for illegal aliens in Texas colleges and universities. 

Of these three bills, only SB 1621 has received a hearing but it still has not received a vote in committee. We need our legislators to step and put Texans first by giving each of these bills a hearing and passing them out of committee.

Remember, deportation and physical deterrents, when fortified and enforced at their most strict level, do disincentivize illegal immigration into any territory but we also need to cut off any and all magnets that attract illegal aliens into our country and state in the first place.

Let’s talk about magnets, more specifically, jobs and in-state tuition. TFSB believes we need to mandate E-Verify to ensure that Texas jobs are reserved for legal citizens and reserve in-state tuition for Texans only. 

SB 1621 by Sen. Lois Kolhorst and HB 3846 by Rep. Steve Toth would mandate E-Verify for all.

HB 3280 by Rep. Terri Leo-Wilson would effectively end in-state tuition for illegal aliens in Texas colleges and universities. 

Of these three bills, only SB 1621 has received a hearing but it still has not received a vote in committee. We need our legislators to step and put Texans first by giving each of these bills a hearing and passing them out of committee.

Remember, deportation and physical deterrents, when fortified and enforced at their most strict level, do disincentivize illegal immigration into any territory but we also need to cut off any and all magnets that attract illegal aliens into our country and state in the first place.

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