Mandatory E-Verify and Finishing the Wall Stall in the Texas Senate

SB 1481, finishing the Texas border wall, and SB 1621, mandating E-Verify for all businesses, have both stalled on the Senate intent calendar this week as they wait for a vote.

It’s simple: last June, thousands of Texas Republicans gathered to determine their priorities and Border Security was designated as number two. This call for Border Security includes finishing the Texas border wall and cutting off the magnets driving illegal immigration into our state. 

When it comes to attracting illegal aliens to our state and country, jobs are the biggest magnet of all. 

While both of these bills have been heard and passed out of committee, they have NOT seen a vote on the Senate floor. Aside from declaring an invasion and using such a declaration to repel and remove illegal aliens from the state of Texas, these are the two strongest provisions that Texas can use to stop illegal immigration into the state of Texas.

These bills can stand up in the face of the federal government’s inaction to secure the border and let Texas do so as a state but our leaders are dragging their feet…

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