Welcome to your weekly Texans for Strong Borders Newsletter. Here’s everything you need to know about the fight to end illegal immigration in Texas this week:
Texans for Strong Borders President Chris Russo Testifies in Front of Senate Committee over Border Security on SCR 23
Yesterday, the Senate Committee on Border Security chaired by State Senator Brian Birdwell heard SCR 23, a senate concurrent resolution that covers a multitude of issues regarding illegal immigration. Most notably, it deals with Declaring an Invasion under Article I, Section 10 of the United States Constitution and asks for applicable action to be taken to repel the invasion by narco-terrorist cartels at our border.
Texans for Strong Borders President Chris Russo was the first person to testify in FAVOR of SCR 23 alongside many individuals from the border communities including Sheriffs and Ranchers who see the problem at their doorstep (literally) on a daily basis.
During this hearing Senator Kolkhorst, the author of the concurrent resolution, had the following to say which could not ring more true:
“We are going to repel this (invasion). We are a nation with laws. We are a nation with borders.”
Now we must take action and see the passage of SCR 23 in its entirety and strongest form.
Today, TFSB President @ChrisWRusso testified in front of the Senate Committee over Border Security in favor of SCR 23, a resolution declaring an invasion.
— Texans for Strong Borders (@StrongBordersTX) March 23, 2023
His message: It's time for Texas to use its constitutional power to declare an invasion at our border. pic.twitter.com/TPBlEJtEfw
TFSB Releases Joint Statement with FAIR Regarding HB 20, the Border Unit Protection Act
After much consideration, we released a joint statement with the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) earlier this week, regarding HB 20 penned by Rep. Matt Schaefer. This bill is a consortium of strong legislation filed this session but also includes new legislative provisions like creating a Border Protection Unit that has the power to remove only certain illegal aliens.
The comprehensive bill has language that not only limits its scope to remove illegal aliens from Texas back across the Rio Grande, but also undermines the purpose of the bill altogether by the inclusion of subjecting the legislation to federal immigration law.
Read the full statement from TFSB and FAIR:
Recent Survey Finds that Overwhelming Majority of Texas Republicans want Strict E-Verify Laws
We must protect Texas Jobs.
Mandatory E-Verify will help us do just that. It’s simple. Illegal aliens should not be displacing American citizens in the workforce.
Magnets such as employment, in-state tuition, and the public education system draw illegals to the United States and enable them to stay.
Furthermore, Illegal aliens are often provided free medical care and free or subsidized housing. The most effective way to discourage illegal aliens is to make it difficult for them to find employment – with no loopholes…
This article does not end here, read the rest on our website!
Harris County Public Health: Free Vaccines, No Citizenship Required!

In a recent poll, it was shown that a plurality of Harris County voters view Border Security as their top issue.
It is no secret that we need to build a legal barrier to entry into America for those who wish to come to America illegally just as much as a physical barrier.
Therefore, under no circumstances should citizens of a nation be forced to subsidize the livelihood of those who have no legal right to reside in the United States. Billions of dollars are wasted on providing non-citizens with free resources that most Texans have to pay for themselves.
The State of Texas provides illegals with tons of subsidies including but not limited to free education, free meals, and free housing.
Additionally, Texans are being forced to foot the bill by subsidizing illegal aliens residing here through state Emergency Medicaid programs, public hospital districts, CHIP, and other assistance programs .
As if that wasn’t enough to encourage criminal invaders from entering our country, Harris County Public Health is providing free vaccinations to illegal aliens.
Read the remainder of this article on our website!
This has been your weekly Texans for Strong Borders Newsletter. Thank you for reading Patriot!