Welcome to the weekly Texans for Strong Borders Newsletter. Here is everything you need to know about the fight to end illegal immigration in the state of Texas:
ICYMI: Call the Republican Committee Members on the House Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security

Earlier this week, we sent out Action Alerts to Patriots like you, regarding HB 1076 and HB 1152.
If passed, both bills would allow every illegal alien who has been granted amnesty, in the past, present and future to become a peace officer in the state of Texas.
Per Texas code, a Peace Officer is defined to have THIRTY ONE different meanings ranging from sheriff and police officers to game wardens.
This a frontal assault on the sovereignty of Texans and aligns our state with California!
Non-citizens should not be able to police the affairs of citizens in their own country, especially when in many instances the non-citizens’ very residential status within the United States may be under legal fire.
Call the office of the Republican Members who sit on this Committee and tell them to NOT let this bill out of Committee:
Chair – Ryan Guillen Rep. Mark Dorazio
Phone Number: 512-463-0646 Phone Number: 512-463-0416
Rep. Sam Harless Rep. Justin Holland
Phone Number: 512-463-0496 Phone Number: 512-463-0484
Rep. Ellen Troxclair
Phone Number: 512-463-0490
Texans for Strong Borders Releases List of Priority Bills
Over the last three days, we released the list of bills that were authored and filed in the House and Senate that directly coincide with our legislative priorities.
Seven of the nine priorities we put together before this legislative session were filed!
Those seven priorities, and the bills (including a few extra) that fall in line with them are as follows:
- Repel The Invasion: HB 20, HB 4368, HCR 78, HCR 79, SCR 23, and SCR 29
- Mandate E-Verify: HB 3846 and SB 1621
- End In-State Tuition for Illegal Aliens: HB 859 and HB 3280
- Finish President Trump’s Border Wall: HB 209 and SB 1481
- End Birthright Citizenship: HB 3612
- Tax Remittances to Foreign Nations: HB 4743
- Protect Texas Public Schools: HB 4668 and SB 923
- Notable Supplementary Legislation: HB 1491, HB 1600, and HB 5000
Texans for Strong Borders will do everything we can to make sure as many of these bills pass in the strongest possible form and we will need your help to do so!
As our legislative priorities of ending handouts for illegal aliens was not filed, nor was legislation to make English the official state language, our fight to see these accomplished has only just begun.
Here are our first, second, and third releases regarding the priority bills we will be supporting this legislative session.
Texas DPS Urges Texans NOT to Travel to Mexico

On Monday, Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steven McCraw released a statement informing Texans and the nation on the risks of traveling to Mexico, going as far as to say we should avoid going there all together.
This statement follows recent headlines and heartbreaking news of a trio of Americans disappearing after crossing the border to sell goods at a flea market.
That story follows the more widely publicized story of four Americans getting caught in gang crossfire in Matamoros. Two were kidnapped and two of them ended up dead. This group was in Mexico for a tummy tuck expedition.
That story follows the more widely publicized story of four Americans getting caught in gang crossfire in Matamoros. Two were kidnapped and two of them ended up dead. This group was in Mexico for a tummy tuck expedition.
Texas DPS has a duty to protect the general public, even if that means “hurting” our relationship with our neighbor south of the Border.
Until Mexico gets a handle on the out of control drug fueled violence that terrorizes its citizens, no Americans should willingly travel to Mexico for leisure or at all for that matter.
Almost unsurprisingly though, it does indeed get worse.
Read the rest of this article at this LINK.
Repeal the Texas DREAM Act
A recent survey of Texas Republican Primary voters revealed that 75% want the Texas DREAM Act repealed, also known as in-state tuition of illegal aliens.
In 2001, then Governor Rick Perry signed the so-called Texas DREAM Act, making Texas the FIRST STATE to provide in-state tuition to illegal aliens.
Despite having a Republican majority in the state house, state senate, and the governor’s office, the bill passed with bipartisan support.
There are several stipulations to the Texas DREAM act including:
- The student must have held residency in Texas for at least three years prior to graduating high school
- The student must have a GED or high school diploma from an accredited public or private school in Texas and enroll in a Texas public college or university
- The student must be dependent on a parent or guardian living in Texas
20 years later, the results of this legislation have been devastating.
Read the rest of this article HERE.
Texas Needs to Finish What Trump Started!
Last week, TFSB President Chris Russo wrote an Op-Ed in Texas Scorecard highlighting the need for Texas to take it upon itself to finish the wall that Trump started during his tenure as President.
A wall is not only an effective deterrent but is also one of the most fiscally sound options the state of Texas has in the fight against illegal immigration. This has been true and was proven once again after a recent report from FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) revealed the fiscal burden on Texans to be in the tens of billions. The one-time cost to finish the wall along the Texas Border does not even begin to approach this amount.
COMMENTARY: A Physical Barrier is Necessary: Finish Trump’s Border Wall
Texans for Strong Borders is on the Move
Russo also spoke to the True Texas Project chapter based in Bryan-College Station and the Galveston County Republican Network to bring to light and inform these groups on how to hold your elected officials accountable and pass meaningful Border Security and Immigration reforms at the state level.
This has been your weekly Texans for Strong Borders Newsletter. Thank you for reading Patriot!